We Believe

We believe that theology is not something spoken, but something lived. Over time, our lives demonstrate our true convictions.

We believe that Truth that doesn't come from within, isn't Truth. It's just information.

We believe that spiritual leadership does not instruct on how to act, but promotes each individual's discernment in all areas of life.

We believe that beliefs evolve and expand at the rate of one's inner growth.

We believe that humility is the beginning of wisdom.

We believe that connecting and caring for one another is the essence of a meaningful life.

We believe in love, joy, peace, and breaking bread.

Rachel Bulkley

Community of Grace is the result of a lifetime of spiritual learning and unlearning. Rachel's hunger for understanding and purpose is the long and winding road that finds us here.

I've always struggled to explain myself.

I grew up as a preacher's kid in the inner city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, an hour up i95 from NYC.

It was the height of the crack epidemic, and the rise of the AIDS/HIV crisis. We lived in the middle of a culture convulsing with social struggles.

My father was passionate about saving the lost. For all his shortcomings as a hot tempered disciplinarian, he lived what he believed. Our home was open to anyone in need. Anything we had was shared.

My earliest memories are riding shotgun around New England. He preached, and prayed, and prophesied, and cast out any demons that had the nerve to show up.

From him, I learned the duality of human grandeur and frailty.

We are always capable of extraordinary good and disastrous ill. His fierce determination to save the lost had a devastating impact on his family, and his own inner life. But his intentions were genuine, and his positive impact still reached many. 

As a teenager, I started down my own religious path. I went on my first mission trip to Venezuela during high school. I came back determined to carry on the mission, and started a Bible club in my public high school.

After graduating, I moved to East Texas to intern at the organization I'd begun my teenage ministry with. I traveled to places where it was illegal to proselytize, and countries devasted by religious war. At the time, I was young and brave and committed to doing good. But those travels ultimately re-shaped my understanding of what doing good looks like.

I've had many chapters in many places since. Whole lifetimes really.

I spent years carefully untangling from the religious fervor of my early life, while continuing to burn with desire for a higher purpose.

Leaving institutional religion was less a choice than an inevitable outcome of a deep spiritual life.

Throughout every chapter, I've been invited into the lives and struggles of others. Mentoring and ministering are in my blood, I didn't need a title or salary.

This year, I arrived at the juicy age of 45 with two teenagers and a wild wake trailing behind.

Surveying our world, I'm convinced there has never been a better time to be alive.

The future is open and waiting for those of us with the passion to meet it. I'm ready, and thrilled to offer companionship to anyone else who's down to make some epic history.









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